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Write letters, make cards, create videos for elderly and nursing home bound individuals. Contact a local nursing home or check out the site below.
Be a virtual volunteer for the Smithsonian by transcribing documents online as well as many other online options.
Provide in person or online tutoring to another student (not a family member). This can be through people you know, or through a website such as this one.
Sew masks to donate to those who need them.
(Related article - click here)
Be My Eyes is a free app that connects blind and low-vision people with sighted volunteers and company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call.
Bemyeyes website
Offer dog walking services to those who cannot give their pets the proper amount of exercise.
Collect combs, toothbrushes, razors, shampoo, etc to make "I Care" kits for homeless individuals.
How to create and distribute kits
Create a "Birthday in a box" for a child in need.
Birthday Giving Project
Distribute leaf bags and offer to help neighbors with raking their yards.
Offer to shop or run errands for individuals who have health concerns or lack of transportation.
Volunteer to regularly read books or newspapers over the phone to those who are visually impaired.
Plant a community garden. Plant trees.
Food or supply drives: organize a drive in your neighborhood or with your family and friends to donate food for the local pantries, pet food (link here) and supplies, diapers, etc. Whatever cause you feel best about is what you should choose. Be sure to be safe in how you collect items from others.
Make "Thank You" cards: send cards or notes of thanks to essential workers, hospital workers, fire, police, grocery store, gas station workers, delivery people, etc. Anyone who is being exposed every day to help others.
Read a book for children online: choose a book that you liked as a kid or that you still own, practice reading it until you are comfortable, create a video of yourself reading and showing the pictures. Contact an elementary or pre-school teacher and share it with them so their students can have someone reading to them.
Organize a "bear hunt" in your neighborhood:
(See article here)
Surprise meal: collect donations from family, friends, neighbors, etc and surprise a group of essential workers with lunch. Or, surprise a family who is struggling financially with dinner. (Purchasing the food from local small businesses helps them too!)

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