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Today we are going to continue on with our look into animation. Please complete each activity in order. If you finish before class ends, go back and work on the site you found most interesting.
1. See how well you can identify these cartoon characters based on the outfits they wear.
Cartoon quiz
2. Watch this video
3. Test your cartoon knowledge with this Sporcle quiz.
Cartoon mashup
4. Watch this video of the first known animated film.
5. Try creating a flip book type animation on this site.
(use the buttons at the top to add pages and
the ones at the bottom to change pen colors
and play animation)
6. Watch this video. This was one of the first animated movies with sound. It was also the first appearance of Mickey Mouse, though that was not his official name in this cartoon.
7. Watch the video of the Jetson's. See how many things they correctly predicted for the 21st Century.
8. Watch this video to see how far animation has come from Steamboat Willie to Pixar!
9. When you have finished ALL of the items above, you can return to Flipanim or Pivot animator
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