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Please Read Carefully!!!

As you work on your Dance Party coding, please be sure you are careful of the following things:

1. You need to complete the lessons so that you can create an interesting video.

2.  You need to add things to the final video.  I should see things like color change, new characters, dance moves, background changes, etc.  I am getting things turned in where people have changed 1 thing and turned it in.  Those will get you very few points.  I have commented on some of yours that need re-done.

3. Be sure you follow the directions from yesterday on how to post the link. Some are sending me the link to the webpage and not the project. Please be careful!

Here are some examples that were turned in already that each show some interesting qualities.  Take a minute to look over them. 

Layla M.

Lucas R.

Gavin B.

Karlee B.


Alex R.

Check out the video below to see how coding can provide entertainment.  Without correct and careful coding, this would not be possible.

Now that you have mastered the Dance Party, click on the link below to try some of these other activities that involve coding.  You can choose whichever ones look interesting and match your skill level. There are a ton to choose from!

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