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Watch the video which describes some of the different types of medical specialties.
Take the Sporcle quiz below to see how many doctors you can identify.
Even if you do not plan on going into the medical field, there is medical knowledge that everyone should have. Watch the videos below for some procedures that could be necessary in a person's eveyday life. Check to see if your parents or siblings know how to do these things too! These could help you save a life.
What to do if someone is choking.
What to do if you are choking
and home alone.
How to use an epipen on someone.
Complete the form here for your grade for the day.
Medical careers form
Explore the different parts of the brain and what they are responsible for
Brain map
Take a look at the way your brain reads faces.
Facial Recognition Activity
Get out a piece of paper and pen/pencil. Take this short term memory test and see how you do.
Short term memory test
Now try it with pictures
Short term memory test 2
Try to solve the "Easy" in less than a minute. Can you solve the medium or hard?
Memory game
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